Saturday, March 19, 2011

Step One-Take out the old

I am relaxing right now in my sitting room surrounded by what use to be in my kitchen. We have kitchen stuff scattered all over the house so don't come by and ask for a cup of sugar...I don't remember where I put it! I am just hoping we can live in this for a few weeks before going crazy (and when I say we, I really mean me!).

Lucky for us, Jesse's family came up this weekend. So along with his parents we also had the help of his two brothers and you know what they say, many hands make light work. So when I got up this morning I was cleaning out the cupboards while my mother-in-law was making breakfast. We had to make sure the boys were fueled before taking on the "Kitchen Demolition". After we had cleaned out the kitchen the boys took over and went to town on the project. Here are some pictures taken through out the day:

My mother-in-law washing the last of the dishes as the boys are finishing up breakfast and yes to the left of my mother-in-law is the oven I told you about!

The cupboards with all the doors off and my brother-in-law showcasing his Fiji Water.

Meeting of the minds

You see the back of my hubby...this is called Management by Walking Around. hee hee hee

The furman on the job (get it? FURman....)

The end product of the day with no cupboards, thanks to my in-laws, and new electric, thanks to my Dad!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break and Kitchen Renovations

Well, spring break is here for my hubby and I thought....why not put him to work?!? Jesse and I have been saving money for our kitchen remodel. And when I say remodel, I mean REMODEL. We will be taking out old and bringing in the new. From cupboards to flooring...we are doing it all! Is my husband on board? Well, not what a student wants to do on his spring break especially when this is his last spring break since he will be graduating this December. But we have been living without an oven for the last year and a half and I am getting sick of it. And he loves homemade goodies so we came to an agreement, I would make him cookies every week and an apple pie once a month if he would get our kitchen remodeled. Guess I better ask my Mom for her apple pie recipe!

I will load some pictures of what our kitchen looked like before we moved in, during the remold, and the after product.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Great Adventure

Well I did it...I started a bog about my life. I was inspired by all the blogs out there, informing you of life as an adult. Right now you are probably asking yourself, "Will this blog be like all the rest....talking about herself as if we have nothing else to do but read about it?"...the answer to that question is yes. I will fill you in on information you care nothing about. I will bore you with details about cleaning, cooking, decorating, being married to my best friend, where God is taking us in life and SO much more! If you don't like my blog move of February 16, 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence. If you cant find a blog you like in that 156 million, you have a problem!

So what are my goals? At this point I don't have any....I promise to be real at all times, letting you in on parts of my life, and some of the struggles young couples face as they enter into what society calls "adulthood". For those of you who are unsure of what adulthood is, or when it starts, I will clear that up for you. Per Wikipedia- a legal adult is a legal concept for a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible.

And so the journey begins......